You have 14 days from receiving the item(s) to return your order as long as things are in perfect condition, in their original packaging, and any safety seals are not damaged. Return policies may vary for some of our furniture and home decor suppliers. Almost all our home decor products qualify for Free Returns Policy and some come with a warranty shared on product description or a buyer's protection.
It is a must for Crownlight to return an item in a new condition. Please ensure that the product is refundable and perfect with the above instructions respected to avoid not being issued a refund. Crownlight accepts refunds up to 2 weeks from when the item is delivered. Customers are not responsible for the shipping cost to return a product. If the customer is not happy with our product, we allow 14-day refund.
Most items are shipped back to the vendor/manufacturer's warehouse location. And, instructions will be sent as to how the item will be picked-up or mailed back. Each supplier is different and that is why we will be providing the instructions during the refund process. Shipping arrangements depend on the item. For example, the package will be picked up or dropped off at a nearby mailing post office. If you are part of our LOYALTY program, you can contact us to receive a discount code for your next purchase/exchange order.
Although we do not wish for delivery issues, in cases your item does not arrive on the specified time, please contact us. We value our customers and will do our best to ensure that you receive the best service possible. Your satisfaction is top priority to us.